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Invasive Plants
Himalayan Blackberries.

Hawthorne Park has a number of invasive plants that threaten the lives of native plants. The invasive plants include Periwinkle, Stinging Nettle, Scotch Broom, Morning Glory, English Ivy, English Holly and the Himalayan Blackberry. These plants tend to grow exceedingly fast, strangling native plants of growth and/or preventing the plants from gaining sunlight and water by blocking them.  Despite providing food for many animals at Hawthorne Park, when the Himalayan Blackberry is overgrown it obstructs the walkways making it difficult for people and animals to travel.

Hawthorne Creek

Hawthorne Creek

The source of Hawthorne Creek starts behind the properties on the southeast corner at the intersection of 140 Street and 106 Avenue.The creek proceeds to flow through another pipe under a small pathway that runs parallel to 140 Street.The stream then flows north for a short distance before being directed east along 106 Avenue eventually flowing into the pond at the center of Hawthorne Park.