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Frances Clarke Sayers


Frances Clarke Sayers (1897--1989) An innovator of children's literature, a monumental librarian, and memorable lecturer.

Children looking at books in Santa Clara, Utah



Early Years


On September 4, 1897 in Topeka, Kansas, Frances Clarke was born. When she was just a child she moved with her family to Galveston Texas, which would later prove to be a great source of inspiration for her numerous children’s books. In an essay written and published in the September 15, 1956 edition of the Library Journal, Sayers reminisces of her first memory of a woman telling her the story of The Ginger Bread Man. Sayers states that, “I cannot recall her name, but her eyes were brown, her hair the exact shade of her eyes, she was short and plump, and I would know her voice were I even to hear it in paradise.”[1]

While it was in her early years that Sayers fell in love with the art of storytelling, it was not until at the age of twelve, when she read an article in St. Nicholas Magazine regarding service to children in the New York Public Library, that she ultimately decided to become a children’s librarian.[2]

Later Years


After spending two years at the University of Texas, Sayers decided to leave in order to attend the Carnegie Library School in Pittsburg because it was, “noted for its devoted staff and belief in taking books to children wherever they were.” Not long after graduation, Sayers was asked to become an employee of the New York Public Library by the remarkable Anne Carroll Moore.[2]

After spending five years at the New York Public Library, in 1923 Sayers decided to move to California to be closer to her family. After having only been in California for two years, Sayers wed her long time friend Alfred H.P. Sayers. They spent, “seven years in Chicago and then in Sausalito, California, near the Golden Gate. Soon Sayers began to write children’s books that would delight and enchant children, as well as adults, throughout the years. Her books were often semiautobiographical, often bringing back the sights, smells, and sounds of her childhood in Texas.[2]

While still living in California, Sayers added another title to her repertoire, which was that of lecturer.Later, “In 1936 she offered a course in children’s literature at the Library School of the University of California, Berkeley, where she emphasized high standards of criticism, respect for children and children’s books, and delight in storytelling.”[2]

Soon after, in 1941, Sayers moved back to New York to succeed Anne Carroll Moore and become the next Superintendent of Work with Children for the New York Public Library. While juggling a career as Superintendent, Sayers also, "taught a course in writing for children at the School for Social Research...and served as a consultant to the Library of Congress for the reorganization of its Children’s Book Collection.” [2]

‎Children Reading at the Buell Children's Museum

In 1952, after 11 years as Superintendent for the New York Public Library, Sayers retired from the life of a public librarian. However, her active spirit would not allow her to rest. In no time Sayers was back lecturing students on the importance of children’s literature. Throughout 1953 to 1954 Sayers traveled to many universities lecturing on this topic. [2]

Shortly after, Sayers found herself moving back to California to live with her sister. It was not long before Sayers was once again summoned to step into the role of lecturer. Sayers now found herself as, “Senior Lecturer in the English department for the UCLA. When the UCLA School of Library Service opened in 1960, she was invited to offer the course in children’s literature there also.” [2]

Then in 1965, Frances Clarke Sayers left the University of California, Los Angeles for what would be her final retirement. While she was no longer working, Sayers still continued writing children’s books and for scholarly journals. [2]

Essays and Speeches


Summoned by Books


"Summoned by Books" is a speech Sayers gave in November 1962 at the annual meeting of the California Library Association. She speaks on the issue that librarians need to make themselves known and appreciated once again, and to do that, they need to appreciate themselves. She states that, “…as librarians we are not only summoned by books ourselves, but we are the instrumentation for the summoning of others.” [1]

Happy Botheration


"Happy Botheration" was published in the November 1954, School Library Association of California Bulletin. In Happy Botheration Sayers discusses her move back to California and her thoughts while she was unpacking her many books. She goes in to detail about how much she has come to love and care for her books, and wouldn’t part with them for all the money in the world. She manages to capture her admiration for literature by the way she talks about her experience as an assistant librarian for the New York Public Library, as well as by discussing her need to mark pages that hold some of her favorite passages. Of this Sayers says that while unpacking, “One leafing through, and there is the favorite passage, the eye caught and held, the mind following after.” [1]

Of Memory and Muchness


In her speech, "Of Memory and Muchness", which was given November 1956 at a meeting of Children's and Young People's Section of the California Library Association, Sayers begins by questioning what is meant in the passage of Alice in Wonderland where the Doormouse talks of Alice learning to draw and in turn, drawing many things including memory and muchness. From this Sayers discusses children’s books that have survived and thrived throughout the ages. Sayers also talks of the effect of muchness in society, warning her fellow librarians of the likes of Walt Disney, saying, “Walt Disney is another big book promoter, and is quite without conscience as to how he waters down, distorts, and vulgarizes such books of high originality…Muchness acclaims Mr. Disney.”[1]


  • Joseph W. Lippincott Award for distinguished service in profession of librarianship, 1965
  • Clarence Day Award, 1966, for Summoned by Books
  • Southern California Children’s Literature Award, 1969
  • Catholic Library Association’s Regina Medal, 1973

Writings and Contributions

  • Bluebonnets for Lucinda (Juvenile), Viking (New York, NY), 1932
  • Mr. Tidy-Paws (Juvenile), Viking, 1934
  • Tag-Along Tooloo (Juvenile), Viking, 1941
  • Sally Tait (Juvenile), Viking, 1951
  • Ginny and Custard (Juvenile), Viking, 1951
  • (Editor with Evelyn Sickels) Anthology of Children’s Literature, 3rd edition, Houghton (Boston), 1958, 4th edition, 1970
  • Summoned by Books: Essays and Speeches, edited by Marjeanne Blinn, Viking, 1965
  • Children from Many Lands Illustrate Grimm’s Fairy Tales, American Federal Arts, 1967
  • (Author of foreword) Kornei Chukovskii, From Two to Five, revised edition, University of California, Berkeley, 1968
  • (Author of introduction) Jakob Grimm, Grimm’s Fairy Tales, Follett (New York, NY), 1968
  • Oscar Lincoln Busby Stokes, Harcourt (San Diego), 1970
  • Anne Carroll Moore: A Biography, Atheneum (New York, NY), 1972


  1. ^ a b c d Sayers, Frances Clarke, and Marjeanne Jensen Blinn. Summoned by Books: Essays and Speeches by Frances Clarke Sayers. New York: Viking Press, 1965
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h Wedgeworth, R. “Sayers, Frances Clarke.” In ALA world encyclopedia of library and information services. 2nd ed. 1986

Works Consulted

  • Castagna, E. (1965). Three Who Meet the Challenge: Joseph L. Wheeler, Lawrence Clark Powell, Frances Clarke Sayers. Berkeley, CA: Peacock Press.

[[Category: American librarians]]