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Incorrect spelling of an acronym ["UAS" vs. "UAV"] (some places)


This comment is based upon this ["21:12, 1 April 2015"] version of the article, Urban Aeronautics AirMule ...henceforth hereinafter called the "1 April 2015 version".

There are several instances where the acronym "UAS" appears, either in the text or in footnotes -- (you can search for it!), -- in that version of that article; and some of them [are in places that] probably should say "UAV" instead.


  • In the very first sentence of the article, there is a hyperlink to the Wikipedia article "Unmanned aerial vehicle", and that article clearly states, right up front, -- no big surprise! -- that the acronym for "Unmanned aerial vehicle", is "UAV". However, that hyperlink in the first sentence of the "1 April 2015 version" of this article, is explicitly piped to display as "UAS"! I think the display text "UAV" would be better, there.
  • In footnote number [4], the "displayed" title for the source [web page] pointed to, is explicitly spelled "UAS", (instead of "UAV"), even though the web page that is pointed to (linked to) by that footnote, contains the acronym "UAV" 18 times, and it does NOT contain the acronym "UAS" at all.
  • At the start of the 4th paragraph of the "#Development" section of the article (Urban Aeronautics AirMule#Development), the first sentence contains the plural acronym "UAVs", but it also contains (before that), an acronym spelled "UAS", which ... might be a mistake, and maybe it should [also] be "UAVs", or [the singular] "UAV".

Aha! (a correct instance of using the acronym "UAS")


At first I was going to change all of them [all occurrences of the character string "UAS", in this article] to "UAV"; ... but then I found that footnote number [12] (of the "1 April 2015 version") does point to a web page (here) that actually does use the acronym "UAS", and it says there that "UAS" stands for "unmanned air system"; ...and that source [web page], (the one that footnote [12] points to) -- that is, the web page called "AirMule UAS to fly with new hydraulics" -- is specifically about the "AirMule UAS".

So, that acronym (the one in the title of the source page "pointed to" by footnote [12]) probably should be left as "UAS". (NOT changed to "UAV").

However, in my opinion,

  1. All (or most) other occurrences of "UAS" in this article should be changed to "UAV"; and -- (just as a side comment) --
  2. This "Aha!" moment (finding one correct instance of using the acronym "UAS"), might go a long way toward explaining the reason why [someone got confused, or something; and perhaps went overboard, or something; and now] some other acronyms in this article -- acronyms that probably should be spelled "UAV" -- are spelled "UAS".

Also: an unrelated TYPO


The phrase "provides as part of the auto-land system" can be found in the "1 April 2015 version" of the (Urban Aeronautics AirMule) article. I am pretty sure that the first word of this phrase is [has] a TYPO, and that it should instead say "provided". (right?)


  1. The letter "s" is close to the letter "d" on a QWERTY keyboard; and -- just in case you still need more convincing --
  2. it seems clear to me that a passive voice "past participle" verb form [e.g. "provided"] would fit in this sentence correctly, there (grammatically, at that point), while a third-person "present tense" verb form ["provides"] does not. ((TMI for Grammar fans: That sentence -- ["A Controp D-Stamp stabilized electro-optical sensor provide[d] as part of the auto-land system will enable the aircraft to guide itself to land over any high contrast marker (flare, flag, a red cloth) in a combat zone."] -- already has a [future tense] verb -- "will enable"; so the phrase "provide[d] as part of the auto-land system" is apparently intended to serve as a modifier for the noun "sensor".))

With or without waiting for comments, I might go ahead and do some editing. Any comments? --Mike Schwartz (talk) 18:48, 13 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Stubborn named reference error


Reference 15 is a named reference which gets the error message: "Cite error: The named reference PopMec20140130 was invoked but never defined". I spent 20 minutes checking the Wiki markup (which looks perfect), and reading the MoS help page, but I cannot solve this problem. I surrender, and leave the matter in more knowledgeable hands. – Jerryobject (talk) 12:07, 9 April 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Seems to be fixed by AnomieBOT. pandakekok9 (talk) 12:27, 9 April 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you so much for fixing that, and for showing what to do in the future if I encounter this problem again. – Jerryobject (talk) 10:59, 11 April 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Don't thank me, thank the bot. Else it will go Skynet. ;) pandakekok9 (talk) 14:07, 11 April 2021 (UTC)[reply]