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List of members of the Sabor, 2008–2011

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The 6th assembly of the Croatian Parliament was constituted on 11 January 2008. It came into existence following the November 2007 general election and consisted of 153 representatives elected from 10 geographical and two special electoral districts. It was dissolved on 28 October 2011, about a month before the 2011 general election.

Electoral system in Croatia

The 10 electoral districts, with the two non-geographical ones

Since 1999 Croatia has been divided into 10 geographically-based electoral districts. These districts are named using Roman numerals and were formed according to the number of voters so that each district holds around 250,000–300,000 registered voters. These districts therefore do not correspond to the borders of top administrative divisions within Croatia and each district contains one or more or parts of several Croatian counties.

Each district sends 14 MPs to the parliament and winning candidates are determined using the party-list proportional representation voting system. This means that parties make lists of 14 candidates to be elected, and seats get allocated to each party in proportion to the number of votes the party receives, with the election threshold set at 5 percent of votes in each district, calculated using the standard D'Hondt formula.

In addition, there are two non-geographical districts. In District XI, up to 12 members are chosen by proportional representation - depending on the number of voters in Croatia - to represent Croatian citizens residing abroad (this district is commonly referred to as the diaspora electorate). Although all people living outside Croatia are eligible to vote for this list, the majority of voters who turnout for this list traditionally consists of Croats of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the majority of whom hold dual Croatian and Bosnian citizenships. In District XII an additional 8 members are elected to represent the 22 ethnic minorities in Croatia which are legally recognized as such in the Croatian Constitution, with 3 of these seats reserved for the Serbian minority.

Since the seats are allocated according to the proportion of votes received in each district, parties usually nominate senior party officials on top of their lists in districts where they have traditionally enjoyed good levels of support, to ensure that the party's most prominent members win parliamentary seats. All candidates are elected to four-year terms. However, many MPs who are members of post-election ruling coalitions often get appointed to various ministerial and government positions while others serve as city mayors or directors of various government agencies. In such cases they are required by law to put their parliamentary mandate on hiatus for the duration of their other term in office and their seats are then taken by party-appointed deputy MPs.

2007 election results


According to the November 2007 election results, 122 out of 153 (or almost 80 percent) of seats were won by the two major parties, the centre-right HDZ and the centre-left SDP. HDZ then entered a post-election coalition agreement with several minor parties and formed a coalition government. The 153 parliament seats were divided as follows (members of the ruling coalition indicated in bold):

(Members of HDZ, HSS, SDSS and HSLS were appointed to ministerial positions in the Cabinet of Ivo Sanader II, while 5 representatives of ethnic minorities (four independents and one from ASH) and the single MP representing HSU signed a voting agreement with the ruling coalition. This gave the ruling coalition an 83-member majority in the 153-seat parliament.)

Parliament officials


The president of the parliament (often also called the speaker in English) is Luka Bebić (HDZ). Vicepresidents of the parliament are:

The secretary is Josip Sesar.

Composition of the 6th Sabor


Members of HDZ, HSS, SDSS and HSLS were appointed to ministerial positions in the Cabinet of Ivo Sanader II, while 5 representatives of ethnic minorities (four independents and one from SDA) and the single MP representing HSU signed a voting agreement with the ruling coalition. This gave the ruling coalition an 83-member majority in the 153-seat parliament.

Luka Bebić (HDZ) was appointed Speaker of Parliament in the 6th assembly, replacing Vladimir Šeks (HDZ) who had held the post since December 2003.

Party January
Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) 66 65
Social Democratic Party of Croatia (SDP) 56 53
Croatian People's Party (HNS) 7 5
Croatian Peasant Party (HSS) 6 6
Croatian Democratic Alliance of Slavonia and Baranja (HDSSB) 3 4
Independent Democratic Serb Party (SDSS) 3 3
Istrian Democratic Assembly (IDS) 3 3
Croatian Social Liberal Party (HSLS) 2 0
Croatian Party of Pensioners (HSU) 1 1
Croatian Party of Rights (HSP) 1 1
Party of Democratic Action of Croatia (SDA) 1 1
Croatian Labourists – Labour Party (HL) 0 1
Croatian Social Democrats (HSD) 0 1
Independents 4 9

Government coalition parties denoted with bullets ()

MPs by party


This is a list of MPs elected to Sabor in the 2007 general election, sorted by party. Note that this table is a record of the 2007 election results, it is not a record of the current status of Sabor. The Changes table below records all changes in party affiliation.

Party Name Constituency
Croatian Democratic Union (66) Ivo Andrić-Lužanski District 11 (diaspora)
Branko Bačić District 10
Ivan Bagarić District 11 (diaspora)
Mladen Barišić District 1
Luka Bebić District 10
Božo Biškupić District 3
Suzana Bilić-Vardić District 5
Mato Bilonjić District 5
Rade Bošnjak District 11 (diaspora)
Dražen Bošnjaković District 6
Ivica Buconjić District 4
Perica Bukić District 9
Gari Cappelli District 8
Lino Červar District 8
Petar Čobanković District 5
Tomislav Čuljak District 5
Josip Đakić District 4
Stjepan Fiolić District 6
Božo Galić District 5
Sunčana Glavak District 3
Ivo Grbić District 9
Andrija Hebrang District 2
Bojan Hlača District 8
Davor Huška District 5
Tomislav Ivić District 4
Vladimir Ivković District 3
Ivan Jarnjak District 3
Gordan Jandroković District 2
Božidar Kalmeta District 9
Nedjeljka Klarić District 9
Jadranka Kosor District 1
Dragan Kovačević District 4
Ante Kulušić District 9
Boris Kunst District 6
Ana Lovrin District 9
Franjo Lucić District 5
Anton Mance District 7
Krunoslav Markovinović District 7
Bianca Matković District 2
Marina Matulović-Dropulić District 7
Frano Matušić District 10
Darko Milinović District 9
Petar Mlinarić District 5
Živko Nenadić District 10
Marija Pejčinović-Burić District 6
Damir Polančec District 2
Dragan Primorac District 11 (diaspora)
Zvonimir Puljić District 10
Niko Rebić District 9
Jerko Rošin District 10
Ante Sanader District 9
Ivo Sanader District 10
Ivan Šantek District 6
Vladimir Šeks District 4
Petar Selem District 1
Damir Sesvečan District 2
Miroslav Škoro District 4
Dubravka Šuica District 10
Ivan Šuker District 6
Emil Tomljanović District 9
Marko Turić District 1
Željko Turk District 1
Ivan Vučić District 7
Branko Vukelić District 7
Dragan Vukić District 11 (diaspora)
Mario Zubović District 7
Social Democratic Party (56) Ingrid Antičević-Marinović District 9
Željka Antunović District 10
Milan Bandić District 2
Arsen Bauk District 10
Dragutin Bodakoš District 4
Biljana Borzan District 4
Nada Čavlović-Smiljanec District 4
Brankica Crljenko District 9
Luka Denona District 8
Igor Dragovan District 5
Mirjana Ferić-Vac District 1
Gvozden Flego District 1
Zdenko Franić District 7
Branko Grčić District 10
Mario Habek District 3
Ivan Hanžek District 3
Goran Heffer District 5
Mirela Holy District 1
Nadica Jelaš District 3
Ivo Jelušić District 7
Ivo Josipović District 1
Željko Jovanović District 8
Ljubo Jurčić District 3
Marin Jurjević District 10
Zlatko Komadina District 8
Ante Kotromanović District 9
Dino Kozlevac District 8
Josip Leko District 7
Slavko Linić District 8
Marina Lovrić District 6
Šime Lučin District 6
Marija Lugarić District 2
Gordan Maras District 1
Zoran Milanović District 1
Neven Mimica District 1
Mirando Mrsić District 6
Zvonimir Mršić District 2
Milanka Opačić District 7
Rajko Ostojić District 6
Ranko Ostojić District 9
Ivica Pančić District 2
Tonino Picula District 6
Vlatko Podnar District 4
Zdravko Ronko District 5
Tatjana Šimac-Bonačić District 10
Sonja Šimunović District 5
Vesna Škulić District 2
Gordana Sobol District 8
Boris Šprem District 2
Nenad Stazić District 7
Davorko Vidović District 6
Zoran Vinković District 4
Biserka Vranić District 7
Tanja Vrbat District 8
Antun Vujić District 1
Dragica Zgrebec District 3
Croatian People's Party (7) Goran Beus-Richembergh District 6
Radimir Čačić District 3
Miljenko Dorić District 7
Danica Hursa District 3
Zlatko Koračević District 3
Dragutin Lesar District 3
Vesna Pusić District 1
Croatian Peasant Party (6) Damir Bajs District 2
Josip Friščić District 2
Stipo Gabrić District 10
Zdravko Kelić District 5
Božidar Pankretić District 7
Marijana Petir District 6
Croatian Democratic Alliance
of Slavonia and Baranja
Branimir Glavaš District 4
Boro Grubišić District 5
Vladimir Šišljagić District 4
Istrian Democratic Assembly (3) Ivan Jakovčić District 8
Damir Kajin District 8
Boris Miletić District 8
Independent Democratic Serb Party (3) Ratko Gajica District 12 (minority list)
Milorad Pupovac District 12 (minority list)
Vojislav Stanimirović District 12 (minority list)
Croatian Social Liberal Party (2) Đurđa Adlešič District 2
Ivan Čehok District 3
Croatian Party of Pensioners (1) Silvano Hrelja District 8
Croatian Party of Rights (1) Anto Đapić District 4
Party of Democratic Action of Croatia (1) Šemso Tanković District 12 (minority list)
Independents (4) Zdenka Čuhnil District 12 (minority list)
Nazif Memedi District 12 (minority list)
Furio Radin District 12 (minority list)
Deneš Šoja District 12 (minority list)



Note that a number of MPs who are high-ranking members of parties in the ruling coalition were subsequently appointed to various ministerial and governmental positions, while others continued to serve as city mayors. In such cases they are required by Croatian law to put their parliamentary mandate on hiatus for the duration of their other term of office and in the meantime their seats are then taken by a party-appointed replacement MP. Those replacements are not documented here.

Date Constituency Loss Gain Note
10 April 2008 District 3 HNS Independent Dragutin Lesar (HNS) resigns from the Croatian People's Party, reducing them to six seats.[1]
24 April 2009 District 3 HNS Independent Zlatko Horvat (HNS), who since January 2008 held the seat of Radimir Čačić, county prefect of Varaždin County, is expelled from the Croatian People's Party for entering the May 2009 local elections in the city of Varaždin as an independent. This reduced HNS to five seats.
11 January 2010 District 2 SDP Independent Ivica Pančić (SDP) resigns from the Social Democratic Party, reducing them to 55 seats.
12 April 2010 District 3 Independent HL Dragutin Lesar (Ind.) establishes the centre-left Croatian Labourists (HL) and becomes their only member of parliament.[1]
14 July 2010 District 3 HSLS Independent Ivan Čehok (HSLS) resigns from the Croatian Social Liberal Party following the party's exit from the ruling coalition, reducing them to a single seat.
22 September 2010 District 2 Independent HSD Ivica Pančić (Ind.) joins the non-parliamentary centre-left party Croatian Social Democrats (HSD), becoming their only member of parliament.
19 October 2010 District 4 SDP Independent Zoran Vinković (SDP) resigns from the Social Democratic Party of Croatia, reducing them to 54 seats.
21 October 2010 District 2 HSLS Independent Đurđa Adlešič (HSLS) returns to parliament after stepping down from the post of deputy prime minister in the Cabinet of Jadranka Kosor following Croatian Social Liberal Party's decision to leave the ruling coalition in July 2010. She takes the seat as an independent, having resigned from the party in the meantime, leaving HSLS with no representation in parliament.
22 October 2010 District 10 HDZ Independent Former prime minister Ivo Sanader (HDZ) returns to parliament, having resigned from the post in July 2009 and after being expelled from the Croatian Democratic Union in January 2010. He takes the seat as an independent, reducing Croatian Democratic Union to 65 seats.
12 April 2011 District 4 Independent HDSSB Zoran Vinković (Ind.) joins the right-wing regionalist Croatian Democratic Alliance of Slavonia and Baranja (HDSSB) as their fourth member of parliament.
May 2011 District 3 SDP Independent Ljubo Jurčić (SDP) resigns from the Social Democratic Party, reducing them to 53 seats.


  1. ^ a b "Dragutin Lesar" (in Croatian). Sabor.hr. Archived from the original on 16 March 2011. Retrieved 31 October 2011.