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List of amphibians of Alabama

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The U.S. state of Alabama has 73 known indigenous amphibian species.[1] These indigenous species include 30 frog and toad species and 43 salamander species.[2][3][4] Two of these native species may have become extirpated within the state. They are the Mississippi gopher frog and flatwoods salamander.[1][5]

Human predation, pollution, and habitat destruction has placed several amphibian species at risk of extirpation or extinction. The Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources lists the conservation status of each species within the state with a rank of lowest, low, moderate, high, and highest concern.[1]

Frogs and toads

Image Scientific name Common name Family Conservation
Anaxyrus americanus American toad Bufonidae Lowest
Anaxyrus fowleri Fowler's toad Bufonidae Lowest
Anaxyrus quercicus oak toad Bufonidae Moderate
Anaxyrus terrestris southern toad Bufonidae Lowest
Incilius nebulifer Gulf Coast toad Bufonidae Unranked
Acris crepitans northern cricket frog Hylidae Low
Acris gryllus southern cricket frog Hylidae Lowest
Dryophytes andersonii pine barrens treefrog Hylidae High
Dryophytes avivocus bird-voiced treefrog Hylidae Lowest
Dryophytes chrysoscelis Cope's gray treefrog Hylidae Lowest
Dryophytes cinereus American green treefrog Hylidae Lowest
Dryophytes femoralis pine woods treefrog Hylidae Lowest
Dryophytes gratiosus barking treefrog Hylidae Low
Dryophytes squirellus squirrel treefrog Hylidae Low
Pseudacris brachyphona mountain chorus frog Hylidae Lowest
Pseudacris collinsorum Collinses' mountain chorus frog Hylidae Unranked
Pseudacris crucifer spring peeper Hylidae Lowest
Pseudacris feriarum upland chorus frog Hylidae Lowest
Pseudacris nigrita southern chorus frog Hylidae Lowest
Pseudacris ocularis little grass frog Hylidae High
Pseudacris ornata ornate chorus frog Hylidae Moderate
Osteopilus septentrionalis Cuban tree frog Hylidae Exotic invasive throughout Florida, becoming more common in southern Alabama[6]
Eleutherodactylus planirostris greenhouse frog Eleutherodactylidae Exotic,
Native to Cuba and the Caribbean.
Gastrophryne carolinensis eastern narrowmouth toad Microhylidae Lowest
Scaphiopus holbrookii eastern spadefoot Pelobatidae Low
Lithobates capito gopher frog Ranidae Highest
Lithonates catesbeiana American bullfrog Ranidae Lowest
Lithobates clamitans ssp. bronze frog
green frog
Ranidae Lowest
Lithobates grylio pig frog Ranidae Lowest
Lithobates sevosa Mississippi gopher frog Ranidae Possibly extirpated/
U.S. Fish and Wildlife lists as endangered
Lithobates heckscheri river frog Ranidae Highest
Lithobates palustris pickerel frog Ranidae Low
Lithobates sphenocephala southern leopard frog Ranidae Lowest
Lithobates sylvatica wood frog Ranidae Moderate


Image Scientific name Common name Family Conservation
Ambystoma bishopi reticulated flatwoods salamander Ambystomatidae Highest
Ambystoma cingulatum flatwoods salamander Ambystomatidae Possibly extirpated/
U.S. Fish and Wildlife lists as threatened
Ambystoma maculatum spotted salamander Ambystomatidae Low
Ambystoma opacum marbled salamander Ambystomatidae Low
Ambystoma talpoideum mole salamander Ambystomatidae Low
Ambystoma texanum smallmouth salamander Ambystomatidae Moderate
Ambystoma tigrinum eastern tiger salamander Ambystomatidae Moderate
Amphiuma means two-toed amphiuma Amphiumidae Low
Amphiuma pholeter one-toed amphiuma Amphiumidae High
Amphiuma tridactylum three-toed amphiuma Amphiumidae Low
Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis hellbender Cryptobranchidae Highest
Aneides aeneus green salamander Plethodontidae High
Desmognathus aeneus seepage salamander Plethodontidae High
Desmognathus apalachicolae Apalachicola dusky salamander Plethodontidae Lowest
Desmognathus auriculatus southern dusky salamander Plethodontidae Highest
Desmognathus cheaha Talladega seal salamander Plethodontidae Unranked
Desmognathus conanti spotted dusky salamander Plethodontidae Low
Desmognathus monticola seal salamander Plethodontidae Low
Desmognathus ocoee Ocoee salamander Plethodontidae Moderate
Eurycea aquatica brownback salamander Plethodontidae Moderate
Eurycea chamberlaini Chamberlain's dwarf salamander Plethodontidae Moderate
Eurycea cirrigera southern two-lined salamander Plethodontidae Lowest
Eurycea guttolineata three-lined salamander Plethodontidae Lowest
Eurycea hillisi Hillis's dwarf salamander Plethodontidae Unranked
Eurycea longicauda long-tailed salamander Plethodontidae Lowest
Eurycea lucifuga cave salamander
spotted-tail salamander
Plethodontidae Lowest
Eurycea quadridigitata dwarf salamander Plethodontidae Moderate
Eurycea sphagnicola bog dwarf salamander Plethodontidae Unranked
Gyrinophilus palleucus Tennessee cave salamander Plethodontidae High
Gyrinophilus porphyriticus ssp. spring salamander Plethodontidae Low
Hemidactylium scutatum four-toed salamander Plethodontidae Low
Phaeognathus hubrichti Red Hills salamander Plethodontidae High/
U.S. Fish and Wildlife lists as threatened

Official state amphibian
Plethodon glutinosus northern slimy salamander Plethodontidae Lowest
Plethodon dorsalis northern zigzag salamander Plethodontidae Unranked
Plethodon grobmani southeastern slimy salamander Plethodontidae Lowest
Plethodon mississippi Mississippi slimy salamander Plethodontidae Lowest
Plethodon serratus southern redback salamander Plethodontidae Moderate
Plethodon ventralis southern zigzag salamander Plethodontidae Lowest
Plethodon websteri Webster's salamander Plethodontidae Lowest
Pseudotriton montanus flavissimus Gulf Coast mud salamander Plethodontidae Low
Pseudotriton ruber ruber northern red salamander Plethodontidae Low
Pseudotriton ruber vioscai southern red salamander Plethodontidae Moderate
Necturus alabamensis Alabama waterdog
Black Warrior waterdog
Proteidae High
Necturus beyeri Gulf Coast waterdog
speckled waterdog
Beyer's waterdog
Proteidae Low
Necturus maculosus common mudpuppy Proteidae Low
Necturus mounti Escambia waterdog Proteidae Unranked
Necturus moleri Apalachicola waterdog Proteidae Unranked
Necturus species Loding's waterdog Proteidae Low/
Taxonomy undescribed

Known from lesser Gulf of Mexico drainages from Mobile Bay eastward.
Notophthalmus viridescens ssp. eastern newt Salamandridae Lowest
Siren intermedia lesser siren Sirenidae Lowest
Siren lacertina greater siren Sirenidae Moderate
Siren nettingi western lesser siren Sirenidae Unranked
Siren reticulata reticulated siren/leopard eel Sirenidae Undetermined
Species identified in 2018

Known from two locations in the southern pin plains and hills of the state.


  1. ^ a b c Mirarchi, Ralph E. (2004). Alabama Wildlife: Volume One. Tuscaloosa, Alabama: University of Alabama Press. pp. 105–118. ISBN 978-0-81735-1304.
  2. ^ Alden, Peter (1999). National Audubon Society Field Guide to the Southeastern States. New York, New York: Alfred A. Knopf. pp. 256–262. ISBN -0-679-44683-4.
  3. ^ "Frogs". Outdoor Alabama. Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Archived from the original on September 14, 2012. Retrieved October 16, 2012.
  4. ^ "Salamanders". Outdoor Alabama. Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Archived from the original on September 28, 2012. Retrieved October 16, 2012.
  5. ^ "Amphibians in Alabama". Outdoor Alabama. Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Archived from the original on October 17, 2012. Retrieved October 16, 2012.
  6. ^ Anderson, Wesley. "Alabama Invader: The Cuban Treefrog". Alabama Extension. Alabama Cooperative Extension System. Retrieved 25 September 2024.